I cut my hair
No pic. My father cancel my line.
My hair is just 1 cm shorter.
Something lyk jaslyn's
But no fringe.
My mum dun allow TT
My phone bill dash till RM 50+
So, my father cancel my line
And I dun have a phone
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I went to Chen Wen's blog
I saw someone wrote this:
I looked through agn n agn
Thanks to Mun Kheng, although i dun noe her.
Thank you, so much :)
I saw someone wrote this:
I looked through agn n agn
Thanks to Mun Kheng, although i dun noe her.
Thank you, so much :)
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
I overcome it XD
Ohyes i m happy :D
I overcome my fear , my uneasy
I recieved my NEW duty list
I am under a prefect named Chong Jun Jie
Yin Jun and Audrey said dat he is damm quiet.
So, I thought abt it.
I wud try to tok to him more
And i did
He's quite a good debater :)
Well, my teammate
His a guy, *obviously*, he's a guy from 1A1.
He is damm quiet
Same lyk my senior
They can knock heads together la.
My report.
I forgot to write Saturday TT
I am forgetful
Ok yes....very very
Still, I finished half of the book of " san guo"
I think i am goin to buy other books of this kind also XD
It rained yesterday.
I looked out of the window
Thinking of something
It kept swirling my mind
Get it off !
Its about it again
No, i said i overcome-d
So, i really must overcome.
I overcome 75%
I really must get rid of that 25%
Its 7.44 a.m.
The sun shone brightly
Directly on my skin.
The warm beneath the light
I smiled.
The warmth, the comfort
I think I know what I always want.
Ohyes i m happy :D
I overcome my fear , my uneasy
I recieved my NEW duty list
I am under a prefect named Chong Jun Jie
Yin Jun and Audrey said dat he is damm quiet.
So, I thought abt it.
I wud try to tok to him more
And i did
He's quite a good debater :)
Well, my teammate
His a guy, *obviously*, he's a guy from 1A1.
He is damm quiet
Same lyk my senior
They can knock heads together la.
My report.
I forgot to write Saturday TT
I am forgetful
Ok yes....very very
Still, I finished half of the book of " san guo"
I think i am goin to buy other books of this kind also XD
It rained yesterday.
I looked out of the window
Thinking of something
It kept swirling my mind
Get it off !
Its about it again
No, i said i overcome-d
So, i really must overcome.
I overcome 75%
I really must get rid of that 25%
Its 7.44 a.m.
The sun shone brightly
Directly on my skin.
The warm beneath the light
I smiled.
The warmth, the comfort
I think I know what I always want.
Monday, August 17, 2009
This is my 90th post
10 more post to 100
Currently *in* chinese songs
I find that chinese songs' lyrics were wrote with understanding of feelings of human
And thats good
Currently listening to " liang shan buo and juliet" or rather " zhu ying tai and romeo"
This song is cute and creative
And i love it XD
My mum force me to start studying
I was depressed
Gosh~ i cant take the pressure
I start to hate school
We have the same periods everyday, seeing the same ppl everyday
This seqeunce-ly routine makes me get fed-up of my life.
I need some changes
I really need some.
Next, lets chat about my feelings towards "eh-hm"
Still, he stilll stays yong sui
He still stay as numb as a statue
He still stay as silent as a rock
He still stay expressionless
and i hate them ALL!
One word for everybody :
Looking at my horoscope again
My luck is not very good fot this week
I hate it
Y pisces?
Y not others?
I haven buy present for my beloved sis
What u guys think i could get her?
This is my 90th post
10 more post to 100
Currently *in* chinese songs
I find that chinese songs' lyrics were wrote with understanding of feelings of human
And thats good
Currently listening to " liang shan buo and juliet" or rather " zhu ying tai and romeo"
This song is cute and creative
And i love it XD
My mum force me to start studying
I was depressed
Gosh~ i cant take the pressure
I start to hate school
We have the same periods everyday, seeing the same ppl everyday
This seqeunce-ly routine makes me get fed-up of my life.
I need some changes
I really need some.
Next, lets chat about my feelings towards "eh-hm"
Still, he stilll stays yong sui
He still stay as numb as a statue
He still stay as silent as a rock
He still stay expressionless
and i hate them ALL!
One word for everybody :
Looking at my horoscope again
My luck is not very good fot this week
I hate it
Y pisces?
Y not others?
I haven buy present for my beloved sis
What u guys think i could get her?
Have been uploading a lot of videos
This is one of my favourites
A rough lyrics:
累了 照慣例努力清醒著
不聽話的 就停止了
聽著 呼吸像浪潮擺動著
如果我連自己的脈搏 都難掌握
如果我變成回憶 退出了這場生命
留下你錯愕哭泣我冰冷身體 擁抱不了你
我會恨自己 如此狠心
如果我變成回憶 終於沒那麼幸運
I dun feel lyk typing anymore
This song indicates my feeling
Its time to let go..........
Saturday, August 15, 2009
蕭閎仁 / Hsiao Hung Jen 我沒有錯
Specially introduced to everyone
A very nice song. A rough lyrics on the song:
让我这次能够彻底的放手让我走 别让我 更痛苦的过不让你伤的更重
你表情好憔悴 强颜欢笑的脸
你那哭红的双眼 让我好心碎
我愿意 让你飞 不再对你留恋
别让我成为 你的侧脸
I slept at 0101 yesterday and wake up at 0630 2day
I still want to sleep ....
Me and chie ernn have been rushing our siviv project
I am so damm tired
I really nid to thank my sis alot alot
She's the one hu gave me support and help me throughout the projek
And 2day is my sis BDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDXD

I still want to sleep ....
Me and chie ernn have been rushing our siviv project
I am so damm tired
I really nid to thank my sis alot alot
She's the one hu gave me support and help me throughout the projek
And 2day is my sis BDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDXD

She is in the cow year and officially 12 years old 2day
Forever Sisters :D
Friday, August 14, 2009
I hate u
Cause u are such a f**cker.
U r worse den a f**cker.
F**k u!
Dun ever let me see you, if not u wil f**k to death!
I m wearing PJPK shirt 2day 2 skul.
We have prefect(probationer) marching.
I wonder hw it is
Might be a lot of sweat?
After dat, i will have 2 go to computer's class
Some seniors told me i must attend comp class.
Right after marching, den go comp class
Sudden heatness and coldness
I goin to have a headache.
Yesterday, Pn Sumathi said something which insipres me.
" Your heart is the best judge of your life"
Yes, I should listen to her.
I should let go things dat i m tired of
Den i remembered what yi yun told me
" Trust your instinct , Follow your heart"
Yes, its true
Its time to let go.
Its time to put a full stop for all this sufferness
Its time to sit back and enjoy life.
I am currently reading <三國演義> (adult version)
For the very first time, I started to read this book dat i dislike.
I read the children version, n i think its boring.....
Aldut version ......hmm.....not bad :D
Cause u are such a f**cker.
U r worse den a f**cker.
F**k u!
Dun ever let me see you, if not u wil f**k to death!
I m wearing PJPK shirt 2day 2 skul.
We have prefect(probationer) marching.
I wonder hw it is
Might be a lot of sweat?
After dat, i will have 2 go to computer's class
Some seniors told me i must attend comp class.
Right after marching, den go comp class
Sudden heatness and coldness
I goin to have a headache.
Yesterday, Pn Sumathi said something which insipres me.
" Your heart is the best judge of your life"
Yes, I should listen to her.
I should let go things dat i m tired of
Den i remembered what yi yun told me
" Trust your instinct , Follow your heart"
Yes, its true
Its time to let go.
Its time to put a full stop for all this sufferness
Its time to sit back and enjoy life.
I am currently reading <三國演義> (adult version)
For the very first time, I started to read this book dat i dislike.
I read the children version, n i think its boring.....
Aldut version ......hmm.....not bad :D
Thursday, August 13, 2009
I found this blogskin
I looked at it for a long long long tym.
It wasnt neat nor it is nice
There's a familar picture in this skin
I cant figure out the familar feeling towards this picture
It just atracts me
N dats why i took this skin
although its childish or messy
This skin is part of me
Skul have been boring
As usual
I looked at it for a long long long tym.
It wasnt neat nor it is nice
There's a familar picture in this skin
I cant figure out the familar feeling towards this picture
It just atracts me
N dats why i took this skin
although its childish or messy
This skin is part of me
Skul have been boring
As usual
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I hate yesterday.
I hate it very very very much.
I was reading my horoscope.
It says lyk this : " wake up, he's not ur true love"
I was lyk HUH????
Ok fine~
I was thinking those things agn.
I dun really believe in horoscope
but sometimes they are 100% correct.
So i wonder, if this tym, the horoscope is true.
Of course its not true.
I haven't even met one !
My cousin's school kena HINI
So it was closed down for 3days
She will come my house XD
every thing is good but one thing , she will tell my mum dat i am on9-ing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teachers pressurelizing us AGAIN!
They keep saying dat exam is around the corner while the truth is we have one more month preparation........ok.......one month is a very short duration. TT
Ok, i guess some ppl is trying to brush up their marks n i susposed they are studying.
I dun have that kind of patience.
I am having headache this few days la
Is this a good thing?
I cant even concentrate with this pening kepala.
I hate it very very very much.
I was reading my horoscope.
It says lyk this : " wake up, he's not ur true love"
I was lyk HUH????
Ok fine~
I was thinking those things agn.
I dun really believe in horoscope
but sometimes they are 100% correct.
So i wonder, if this tym, the horoscope is true.
Of course its not true.
I haven't even met one !
My cousin's school kena HINI
So it was closed down for 3days
She will come my house XD
every thing is good but one thing , she will tell my mum dat i am on9-ing!!!!!!!!!!!!
Teachers pressurelizing us AGAIN!
They keep saying dat exam is around the corner while the truth is we have one more month preparation........ok.......one month is a very short duration. TT
Ok, i guess some ppl is trying to brush up their marks n i susposed they are studying.
I dun have that kind of patience.
I am having headache this few days la
Is this a good thing?
I cant even concentrate with this pening kepala.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I AM FAILING MY PIANO EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not nervous ,
I am not sweating,
I am not shivering,
Its just the piano and the examiner
The piano is so wet n the examiner is TOOOOOOOOO friendly
I cant take it......the over friendliness.
Dun want to tok about it
-full stop-
Well, I dint go for PJPK yesterday because i am having a big big headache
Of course its true.
man~ dun feel lyk goin to skul 2day.
Yi yun gave me some inspiration and consult :D
Her words are beautiful carved and of course, it makes ppl brighter and happier :D
I finally found my way ; my life , thanks to yi yun :)
I LOVE MY KK ;KT : YI YUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD
Arguements between friends are over
Dat feeling was lyk : I GT FREEDOM!!!
1 ques :
Can a mocha which costs RM 10 equals to Project with onli 5 marks?
I should just ask for a 3 in 1 coffee la~
Hw should i give back RM 10?
i DUNO.......still figuring out...
Conclusion for all the arguements and inspiration :
I found who i am , I found Chiew Theng :)
bahahahhahahhaha , ciao XD
I AM FAILING MY PIANO EXAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am not nervous ,
I am not sweating,
I am not shivering,
Its just the piano and the examiner
The piano is so wet n the examiner is TOOOOOOOOO friendly
I cant take it......the over friendliness.
Dun want to tok about it
-full stop-
Well, I dint go for PJPK yesterday because i am having a big big headache
Of course its true.
man~ dun feel lyk goin to skul 2day.
Yi yun gave me some inspiration and consult :D
Her words are beautiful carved and of course, it makes ppl brighter and happier :D
I finally found my way ; my life , thanks to yi yun :)
I LOVE MY KK ;KT : YI YUN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XD
Arguements between friends are over
Dat feeling was lyk : I GT FREEDOM!!!
1 ques :
Can a mocha which costs RM 10 equals to Project with onli 5 marks?
I should just ask for a 3 in 1 coffee la~
Hw should i give back RM 10?
i DUNO.......still figuring out...
Conclusion for all the arguements and inspiration :
I found who i am , I found Chiew Theng :)
bahahahhahahhaha , ciao XD
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
20 more post to 100th XDXDXDXDXDXD
I was trying to find out where is the " penguin"
Curious to know wat is penguin?
Its nt an animal, its a CCTV with a shape of penguin
My mum wants to make sure i practise my piano for AT LEAST 2 hrs.
So , she said she fixed a " penguin" all over the hse to spy on me.
Dats why i am staring at the comp nw.
But a little scared is still common thing nia.
I seen Pn Cheam yesterday
I was thinking of quiting
dats y she asked to see me
ok fine
the scene is si chiillllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I have to tell her my answer 2day.
Ok fine
yes i want to be a prefect.
Normal student for one day makes me so damm bored
I want to hava a BUSY BUSY life :)
So, conclusion is: i wud tell pn cheam dat i wud continue.
Nw for friends
Ok, although i have probs with my classmates
But gosh i am happy to know all the prefects XDXDXD
I was trying to find out where is the " penguin"
Curious to know wat is penguin?
Its nt an animal, its a CCTV with a shape of penguin
My mum wants to make sure i practise my piano for AT LEAST 2 hrs.
So , she said she fixed a " penguin" all over the hse to spy on me.
Dats why i am staring at the comp nw.
But a little scared is still common thing nia.
I seen Pn Cheam yesterday
I was thinking of quiting
dats y she asked to see me
ok fine
the scene is si chiillllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
I have to tell her my answer 2day.
Ok fine
yes i want to be a prefect.
Normal student for one day makes me so damm bored
I want to hava a BUSY BUSY life :)
So, conclusion is: i wud tell pn cheam dat i wud continue.
Nw for friends
Ok, although i have probs with my classmates
But gosh i am happy to know all the prefects XDXDXD
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Voon Hao is KK- ketua kebersihan
( roll on the floor, laughing)
Yi Yun is KT-ketua tingkatan
( *cheers* XDXDXDXDXD)
Its our new AJK's
Zi Heng become prefect . So he has to letak jawatan on KT.
It was my first day for duty
I am so damm confused.
2day is the day to determine my future
( too exaggarate)
It was recess for prefects , LKT and KK.
I went over where my seniors are sitting.
I find Audrey
I told her i m confused.
She said no quiting.
I said nothing.
She asked if its about friendship prob.
I said yes.
She said she knows prefect doesnt have tym for friends , she been through the same thing too.
I looked at her
She said true friends will be there wif u no matter hw busy u are. During the 3 months u will find hu are ur true friends and u arent ur true friends.
I said nothing .
I was thinking.
And before recess end
I made my choice
I was thinking abt what Audrey said
Yes, its true
I start to see the true colours of my closest friend
she offended me, ohyesshedid, but i forgive her
I talked to her, yesidid
I said I have no tym for friends since i m a probationer
She said SO?
I was damm disspointed, i expcted a console.
Ok fine~
I will not tok abt it anymore , because SOME ppl will think its private.
I will respect them though
One more word
I hate ppl with two faces
( roll on the floor, laughing)
Yi Yun is KT-ketua tingkatan
( *cheers* XDXDXDXDXD)
Its our new AJK's
Zi Heng become prefect . So he has to letak jawatan on KT.
It was my first day for duty
I am so damm confused.
2day is the day to determine my future
( too exaggarate)
It was recess for prefects , LKT and KK.
I went over where my seniors are sitting.
I find Audrey
I told her i m confused.
She said no quiting.
I said nothing.
She asked if its about friendship prob.
I said yes.
She said she knows prefect doesnt have tym for friends , she been through the same thing too.
I looked at her
She said true friends will be there wif u no matter hw busy u are. During the 3 months u will find hu are ur true friends and u arent ur true friends.
I said nothing .
I was thinking.
And before recess end
I made my choice
I was thinking abt what Audrey said
Yes, its true
I start to see the true colours of my closest friend
she offended me, ohyesshedid, but i forgive her
I talked to her, yesidid
I said I have no tym for friends since i m a probationer
She said SO?
I was damm disspointed, i expcted a console.
Ok fine~
I will not tok abt it anymore , because SOME ppl will think its private.
I will respect them though
One more word
I hate ppl with two faces
Monday, August 3, 2009
I got in prefect probation
I dun want to be a prefect.
Its a nice job.
I know I know !!!!!
but cant u guys just respect my choice.
I dun want to be a prefect.
Dats nt a life i want.
but u guys just persuad me , or rather FORCE me to take up this job.
I know i will disspoint u guys
I know u guys want me to speak up and take responsibality
So the outcome is: DUN QUIT PREFECT.
But did u guys think dat i will NOT be happy of i take up a job i DISLIKE?
U guys are selfish
U guys just want pride
U guys never think wat kind of treatment i will recieve.
So, to be a gud girl, i decide to follow ur persusaion and took this job.
But i will tell u guys dat :
I dun want to be a prefect.
Its a nice job.
I know I know !!!!!
but cant u guys just respect my choice.
I dun want to be a prefect.
Dats nt a life i want.
but u guys just persuad me , or rather FORCE me to take up this job.
I know i will disspoint u guys
I know u guys want me to speak up and take responsibality
So the outcome is: DUN QUIT PREFECT.
But did u guys think dat i will NOT be happy of i take up a job i DISLIKE?
U guys are selfish
U guys just want pride
U guys never think wat kind of treatment i will recieve.
So, to be a gud girl, i decide to follow ur persusaion and took this job.
But i will tell u guys dat :
Ya, i finished
I cant believe it
But i nid to believe it.
I sit for my piano trial exam 2day.
I passed XD
but among my friends , i am the worst.
ahya, hucares la...pass den can le :)
My mum was angry though.
She wants me to wake up at 6.30 to practise my piano
But endup i am staring at the comp , watching " zhong ji san guo" from youtube
Ya, i finished
I cant believe it
But i nid to believe it.
I sit for my piano trial exam 2day.
I passed XD
but among my friends , i am the worst.
ahya, hucares la...pass den can le :)
My mum was angry though.
She wants me to wake up at 6.30 to practise my piano
But endup i am staring at the comp , watching " zhong ji san guo" from youtube
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